Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is It Broken?

I feel helpless.
God, maybe I'm using it wrong. Is there a certain way to hold it or... how is this supposed to look?

What do you mean?

Always the questions with you, as if you didnt know. You know what I'm talking about. Is there a lever I've got to pull?

I'm afraid it doesnt work that way.

So, no buttons or activation fees?

Not this time. That's not generally how I work.

Well, you know, I'm not a fan. Why did you have to make this 'love' deal so hard?

What do you mean my child?

God, you might be really big and able to make things happen and maybe you can see all the reasons for life. But me? I'm stuck here trying to live it. I cant fix anything. And this tool you gave me? Love? It must be broken. It doesnt work.

Really? Go on.

So what? I love people. They dont get it. They dont want it. It doesnt fix their pain or make them care anymore. Why do I bother? Love? It's just another way to tire me out at the end of the day.

Oh. So, you dont need love?

Well, of course I do. But it doesnt seem to be that way for everyone. People throw it right back in my face, reject me! Why do I even bother to try?

For the same reason that my Son died. Rejection of something so precious isn't a new thing child. You love because you have hope. The rest? It's all, every bit of it, in my hands.

Are you sure you dont let some things slip out of your hands? I know your hands are pretty big, but what about the ones that fall? What about the ones that cant see you? Aren't you big enough for them to see you? Where's their hope?

My hands made the moons and the stars, the galaxies that fill the universe. Those same hands made every fibre of your being. My hands hold each one, old and new, from the very first, to the very last of creation. But love? No, I would not move my hand to make someone love me. That is the gamble child. Love inspires hope. Hope inspires love. And so, my beautiful child, you love, because I love. And from that love, you have hope.

You have this way of being really confusing sometimes. Sometimes, as in a lot of times. So, love? Sounds great, how do I use again? No manuals or love-by-numbers pages?

Ha ha, no love-by-numbers. But a manual? Sort of. It's more examples of how to, how not to. The idea is to follow, to listen to me, through prayer, other believers and my Word... your 'manual'. 

So I did miss a memo!

No, no its that book sitting under that pile of clothes you were going to fold last week. You know the one I'm talking about.


I really was going to fold those clothes you know.

Trust me, I know.

a little bit about hope:
1 Corinthians 13.7
Titus 1.2
1 Thessalonians 1.3
Colossians 1.27
Romans 15.13
Romans 5.2b-8

a little bit about love
1 John 4.7-21
Ephesians 4.17b-19
Galatians 5.14
1 Corinthians 13.4-8a
Romans 12.9
Zephaniah 3.17

a little bit about both
2 Thessalonians 2.16-17
Galatians 5.4-6
2 Corinthians 5.11-21

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