Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Deserts and Broken Rubber Boots

'Get out of this town and get away'.

It's easy to walk away from our problems.

Sometimes I walk when I'm upset; to clear my head, relieve my emotions, or to just simply forget why I'm upset in the first place.

I planned on such a walk last night. I put on my rubber boots to combat the sparse few drops of rain, put on a hoodie and decided to walk right out of town. I needed to get out, get away.

Three blocks later, the rain had picked up considerably and it had started to pour.

Armed with soaking wet jeans, a drenched hoodie, and a pair of rubber boots that had a mysterious leak and were too small of a fit, I began to talk to God.

Maybe less of a talk and more of sobbing yell.

Why God? Why do things always have to end up like this? Why cant I do things right? Why do I always mess up? Why do I always end up feeling lonely? Why, why, why...

You feel lonely, but you're not alone.

'It took a storm to clear my head'.

After getting out my frustrations, I realized that maybe not all deserts are dry. Mine happened to be in the middle of nowhere in the midst of an insane downpour.

I had forgotten how to listen, how to trust and obey.

God told me that I would have a ride home and that I needed some alone time after He made me various other promises.

As I was nearing Meadow Woods, I thought, great, this was all in my head, I wasn't really hearing God at all. He promised me a ride and I'm in town. No one stops and offers rides to people in town. Well, if I dont get a ride, I'll know that all those promises I heard were just what I wanted to hear.

Then someone pulled over.
Kumar offered me a ride, his phone number (should I be stuck in the rain again) and some money if I needed anything.

'I've seen (heard) the voice of God again'.
God is faithful.
God is true.
God is good.

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