Tuesday, August 25, 2009

love, love, love?

It sucks, doesnt it?
a) You know, when you know that someone has lied to you, but they dont know that you know, but you know because you've caught them in the act?

It sucks, it really does.
b) When someone takes something you've told them in confidence and uses it against you.

It sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks.
c) The person(s) that you've come to rely on the most can brush you off and make you feel as important as dust.

It sucks.

The response?

a) Become bitter. Fester rancorous and evil thoughts towards this person, and dont, by any leap, bound or stretch of the imagination assume the forgiving position.

b) Make like a Pokémon species, and ditto. Do exactly what they did to you. An eye for an eye may make the world blind, but at least everyone will be on level playing ground, right?

c) Play dumb, but at the most unsuspecting times and in the most innocent ways, throw in jabs, kicks, punches, daggers, guns and axes where you can.

There is another option, but its not very popular and most people opt out.
I'm sure you dont really want to hear it, the above options sound pretty dandy, but I'll list it anyway.

d) Love.

Love, love, love. Love, and then do it again. Love the people that lie to you, love them like you want to be loved. Love the ones who hurt you, make you feel worthless; love them because we are all worthy of being loved. Love. Love yourself. Love, because you are loved, valued, worthy and important.
Love the Lord your GOD, maker, manufacturer and provider of love.

Love. I told you its not a popular option, because it doesnt come in a paper bag with fries and a coke.
But just so you know, its an option.

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